A "Not In Our Name" Sign I Could Get Behind
Via Instapundit:
From an anti-terror rally Friday in Antelope Valley, California:
Notice who shows up in support:
Hey, maybe this is a "support the troops" initiative that the Left could get behind. All sorts of strangeness. Seriously, though, I'm glad to see this and hope it gets wider support.
From an anti-terror rally Friday in Antelope Valley, California:
Asema Sultan immigrated to the United States from Pakistan 24 years ago and has lived in Palmdale for 15 years.
The sign she carried said: "Not in our name."
Notice who shows up in support:
Around 8 p.m., a man wearing an Army shirt walked through the rally and offered a firm handshake to al-Khatib.Yep that's right, one of those troops that the Left wants to support by demonizing their mission and only reporting their shortcomings.
"Last time I saw this was outside of Baghdad," said the man, who identified himself only as an Army corporal from Palmdale. He served a tour of duty in Iraq that ended in January 2004.
"Right now, people are biased against them," he said of the rallying Muslims. "I wish I would see more of something along this line."
He added, "Next to supporting the troops, this is equally good."
Hey, maybe this is a "support the troops" initiative that the Left could get behind. All sorts of strangeness. Seriously, though, I'm glad to see this and hope it gets wider support.
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