Saturday, July 23, 2005

A "Not In Our Name" Sign I Could Get Behind

Via Instapundit:

From an anti-terror rally Friday in Antelope Valley, California:
Asema Sultan immigrated to the United States from Pakistan 24 years ago and has lived in Palmdale for 15 years.

The sign she carried said: "Not in our name."

Notice who shows up in support:
Around 8 p.m., a man wearing an Army shirt walked through the rally and offered a firm handshake to al-Khatib.

"Last time I saw this was outside of Baghdad," said the man, who identified himself only as an Army corporal from Palmdale. He served a tour of duty in Iraq that ended in January 2004.

"Right now, people are biased against them," he said of the rallying Muslims. "I wish I would see more of something along this line."

He added, "Next to supporting the troops, this is equally good."
Yep that's right, one of those troops that the Left wants to support by demonizing their mission and only reporting their shortcomings.
Hey, maybe this is a "support the troops" initiative that the Left could get behind. All sorts of strangeness. Seriously, though, I'm glad to see this and hope it gets wider support.