Porkbusters...My Slightly cynical take
Right about now, Senators Coburn, McCain, Feingold, Bayh, Kyl,Ensign, Graham, Sununu, DeMint, and Cornyn...
Now. Call me a cynical bastard, but (with the exception of Coburn) doesn't this look like the start of a report from Iowa or New Hampshire about this time of 2008?
Full sentence follows...
Right about now, Senators Coburn, McCain, Feingold, Bayh, Kyl,Ensign, Graham, Sununu, DeMint, and Cornyn are formally announcing the Pork Barrel Reduction Act.
I hope this ain't another McCain-Feingold Killer Cure, but they are both on that list. Seriously, I hate federal spending, and I guess I dislike the whole lobbyists influence for earmarks deal - though my definition of a honest politician is one who stays bought, so these guys probably arent going to disappoint me - so I hope it all works out just like the Bill Says.
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